Monday, 21 May 2012

Suffolk pedestrian wins damages for road collision injuries

comercrawley helped a Suffolk man win damages for the significant injuries he sustained when he was knocked down close to his home.
Brian Harding, who is in his 70s, was struck by a car in a narrow lane near his home in Wetherden.

Mr Harding suffered very serious head, leg and internal injuries and was airlifted to West Suffolk Hospital by the East Anglian Air Ambulance.

He spent 10 days in intensive care and a total of seven weeks in hospital followed by two weeks of further rehabilitation. Although he can't walk as far or as fast as he used to, he has otherwise made a good recovery.

comercrawley was recommended to Mr Harding by a friend and he was delighted to learn of our sponsorship of the East Anglian Air Ambulance.

Ian Comer, director of comercrawley, said; "It was the initial treatment from the air ambulance doctor and the vital minutes saved that made the difference. It's thanks to them and the West Suffolk Hospital that Mr Harding has made such a remarkable recovery."

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