Sunday, 4 September 2011

Claiming on benefits...


Your questions answered……

Question:  I have had an accident and am considering making a claim for compensation.  I am concerned however that if I receive compensation it may mean that my benefits get stopped.  Could this happen?

Answer:   There is a risk that this could happen but there is a way that it can be avoided.

The risk only applies to state benefits that are means tested, examples of which are Income Support, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.  Certain benefits are non means tested (such as Incapacity Benefit, Disability Living Allowance and Child Benefit) and there is no risk of these being affected by the mere fact of receiving compensation.

For means tested benefits, there are financial eligibility limits including those relating to capital.  What needs to be considered is whether, by receiving the compensation payment, it may take you above a limit that will mean that either your benefit is reduced or stopped altogether.  This will depend on a number of factors including how much compensation you will be receiving, what other capital you have and what the financial limits are for that particular state benefit.  Any capital that your partner has may also be taken into account.

It is possible however to prevent benefits from being affected by setting up a Personal Injury Trust and paying the compensation directly into an account specifically set up for the trust.  The Benefits Agency must still be informed of the change in your circumstances but upon being advised that the compensation has been paid into a Personal Injury Trust, should disregard that capital in their assessment of your means so far as your benefit entitlement is concerned.

Your solicitor will be able to advise you as to whether a Personal Injury Trust is advisable in your case and, if so, to explain what is involved in setting up a Trust and how to go about doing this.

The fact that it is possible to protect your entitlement to benefits means that the fact that someone may be in receipt of a means tested state benefit should not deter them from pursuing a claim for compensation.     

If you have a question for our legal advice team you can submit it by email: or in writing to:  Chancery House, Victoria Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4HZ.

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